To Invent Is Divine
To Invent Is Divine

To Invent Is Divine

Creativity and Ownership



344 Pages, 6 x 9

Formats: Hardcover

Hardcover, $28.00 (US $28.00) (CA $38.00)

Publication Date: May 2025

ISBN 9781956454857

Not Yet Published. Estimated release date: May 2025


Christians generally know that God created “the heavens and the earth” and made human beings in his image. They know that “the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof”—he owns his creations. They know that skilled people create and own marvelous works. But a disconnect often occurs when it comes to God’s communicable attributes of creativity and ownership and that combination’s role in human innovation, technological progress, and practical benefits from human creativity and ownership. To Invent Is Divine connects the dots between creativity and ownership, as well as the dots between that combination and the fruits of human flourishing.

Author Biography

James R. Edwards, Jr., Ph.D., founder and CEO of ELITE Strategic Services, L.L.C., consults on intellectual property, antitrust, and health policy. He plays leadership, strategic, and advisory roles on IP, particularly patents. Edwards was selected as a 1998 Lincoln Fellow of the Claremont Institute and was awarded an Eagle Award in 2017 by Eagle Forum Education & Legal Defense Fund. Edwards is a South Carolina native.
