Holding Someday
Holding Someday

Holding Someday

A Novel Inspired by Actual Events



384 Pages, 6 x 9

Formats: Paperback, ebook: EPUB

Paperback, $18.00 (US $18.00) (CA $24.00)

Publication Date: October 2024

ISBN 9781956454789


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Jayla can’t catch her breath. The unexpected news of an unwanted pregnancy has come at the worst possible time, especially as rumors swirl of her reproductive rights soon being taken away. Straddling employment at both pro-life and pro-choice centers, Jayla is forced to conceal her pregnancy, slowly drowning in rising deceptions and life-or-death decisions as time threatens to steal her choice from her. Blending real-life stories with compelling fiction, Holding Someday chronicles life in the shadow of Roe v. Wade’s overturning with implications that resonate into the future.

Author Biography

Mike Williams has been the most booked and re-booked fundraising speaker in the pro-life market since taking the stage at Focus On The Family’s pro-life conference twenty-two years ago. He is repeatedly speaking and presenting at the Heartbeat and Care Net conferences. He continues to be a force in the pro-life pregnancy center world, speaking at their banquets and fundraisers. Mike is known for his humorous style, having started his career as a comedy writer. Married for thirty-eight years, he is the father of four children, the oldest, like himself, being adopted.

W.R. Ponder is the husband of an incredible wife and father to three amazing little girls, none of whom would be alive if not for the bravery of a woman named Nancy. Because of Nancy’s selfless decision to choose life, three generations of brilliant, wonderful women have the chance to make the world—and W.R Ponder’s life—better.
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